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Modern Prophetic Voices

Please see the below links for several modern Bible teachers -- whose authors provide unique and interesting perspectives on coming End Time events -- including the role of the USA in Bible prophecy:



David Wilkerson --  Pastor and author, who is known for his ministry work among troubled youth.  He approached Bible prophecy from a perspective that emphasized personal repentance, holiness, and preparing for spiritual revival.  His writings often focus on the urgency of turning to God in light of impending events.


Rick Pearson --   An alumnus of Oral Roberts University, and a successful businessman and pilot.  For twenty-one years, he travelled to over thirty-five nations ministering in multiple ORU crusades and medical mission trips and founded Richard Pearson Ministries in 1993.  Rick received a revelation in 1986 concerning the future and purpose of the USA in Bible prophecy. 

Dumitru Duduman --   The Romanian Christian who claimed to have received visions and messages from God about future events.  His writings, including "Through the Fire Without Burning," revolve around his experiences and prophecies related to America and the End Times.  Duduman's interpretations often focus on prophecies regarding a coming judgment of the United States.

Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth - by David Wilkerson

World Challenge, Inc., 1985


From David Wilkerson:


"Let the whole world and all the church call me crazy, but I must blow the trumpet and awaken God's people. Believe it or not, America is about to be shaken and set aside by swift and horrible judgments. Many other praying believers who have been shut in with God are hearing the very same message—'Judgment is at the door! Prepare, awaken!'  Ever since this message came to me, I have been searching God's Word from cover to cover. No prophecy is valid unless it is positively confirmed by God's holy Word. I discovered in the Word God's pattern of judgment.


"Although it is true He will never again destroy the earth by flood, He does use fire. All the prophets predicted judgment by fire on nations and peoples who forsook God and became hopelessly wicked. Their prophecies were dual, directed to their generation in which they prophesied and also to future generations who committed the same crimes against God. Prophecies against Babylon and Israel were fulfilled to the letter. But many of these prophecies also refer to the "latter days," to those who live at the end of the ages. Paul said, 'Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come' (1 Corinthians 10:11)."

Prophecy USA - by Rick Pearson

About Rick Pearson:


Rick received a revelation in 1986 concerning the future and purpose of the USA in Bible prophecy. He was told of things to come which, frankly, left him overwhelmed. After thirty-five years of research, study, multiple mission trips, an undergraduate BSc degree from ORU in 1977, an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Canada Christian College (2015), Rick crossed paths in Israel (2017) with Dr. Rod Hembree from Bible Discovery TV.  After discussing his revelation of Scripture with Dr. Hembree, the Lord spoke to Dr. Hembree telling him to produce a prophecy program, create a studio, have Rick write the scripts and host the program.  Several weeks later Dr. Hembree met with to Rick explain what he was instructed, and ProphecyUSA was born. Within several months, the program was produced and aired. A Study Guide and Book were written by Rick, and both became Amazon best sellers in three different categories. ProphecyUSA is now aired on multiple networks across Canada and the USA and viewed by thousands of grateful followers.

Dreams and Visions - by Dimitru Dudaman

About Dimitru Dudaman:


On July 24, 1984 Dumitru and his entire family were expelled from Romania by the Communist officials.  He had been given two options; either leave the country or die.  It was difficult decision for Dumitru because Romanian was all that he had ever known.  He would be going to unknown places where he neither spoke the language nor knew anyone who could help him.  Once again, God spoke to Dumitru encouraging him and telling him that all would be well.  He has yet another task to accomplish and God would be with him wherever he went.  After leaving Romania, the Duduman family made a brief stop in Italy where there was a failed attempt on his life by the Romanian Secret Police.  Soon after, they boarded another plane, and on August 3, 1984 they were on American soil.  


Once in America, God gave Dumitru a message for this nation as well as for the American church.  Life was difficult for the Duduman family during the first years in America but with God's guidance and direction, they persevered.   They started a small ministry called Hand of Help, whose primary purpose at that time was to send food packages and financial aid to the families of Christian brethren who had been arrested for their faith.  After the revolution of 1989, Dumitru was able to go back to Romania and see his family.   The desire to help his fellow Christians still burned in his heart, and since 1990, through the work of Hand of Help, he has been able to do so.  His purpose has always been a simple one: to be obedient to God's Word and to all that God would ask.  He was a tireless advocate for righteousness and purity and he carried on the message of God even while his body grew old and began to revolt against him.  Against his doctor's orders, he continued to travel throughout the world preaching the Word of God until finally in May of 1997, God called his servant home.

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